Add Ons
Back Scrub:
Gently removes dead skin, which allows for healing.
CBD Product:
CBD Product to be applied to areas of concern - Product is: The CBD Clinic - It contains 100MG CBD along with 7% Menthol & 5% Camphor.
Essential Oils:
100% pure natural oil extracted from plants to receive their healing properties.
Foot Scrub:
Gently exfoliates and softens rough portions while increasing blood circulation. After scrub, we wrap your feet in warm towels and end with applying scented lotion
A traditional Chinese treatment where the skin is scraped using a tool to produce circulation.
Myofascial Release:
This helps release the connective tissue in between layers of muscles that create pain and stiffness with skin rolling technique.
Scalp Treatment:
Products used to add nutrients to your scalp and open up clogged follicles.
Silicone Cupping:
Local suction is created on the skin to increase blood flow, help with pain and with inflammation.
Sombra Neck Treatment:
Additional time is spent on neck, shoulders and upper body based on client intake. Sombra is a Hot Therapy ointment that relieves pain.